Thursday, September 8, 2016


PRAIS Foundation celebrates this year close to its partners 5 years since the launch of “I’m living healthy too!” - SETS national movement, by organizing a roadshow of awarding ceremonies dedicated to the most active “SETS Clubs – Movement and fun” in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Ploieşti, Roman and Timişoara. This year alone registered 67,856 primary-cycle pupils who signed up to be part of the project. In Bucharest, we celebrate 6 winning schools which joined together more than 1,600 pupils volunteers to create and activate “SETS Clubs – Movement and Fun”, coordinated by 100 members of the teaching staff: SPORT IS FUN Club, Şcoala Mea Theoretical High School in district 1: SPORTIS Club, Gymnasium School no. 62 in district 2, CAMPIONII M Club – Gymnasium School no. 88 in district 3: RILĂ ŞI PRIETENII Club – Şerban Vodă Gymnasium School in district 4; COCOŞEI VOINICEI Club – Mircea Sântimbreanu Gymnasium School in district 5; MAGNET DE SĂNĂTATE Club – Marin Preda Theoretical High School in district 6.  

The SETS community has been rallying so far 136,700 1st-4th grade pupils, 252 schools, 2,800 members of the teaching staff, 300,000 parents and more than 2 million people in wide audience. A record number of 18,104 volunteering pupils created and submitted 415 “SETS Clubs – Movement and Fun”, carrying out 8,372 physical and sports activities. The pupils discovered the importance of performing physical activities on a daily basis, the good taste of fruits and vegetables, the importance of hydrating, sleep and personal hygiene, as well as of relaxing by playing, alongside family and friends.

“SETS anniversary edition marks 5 years of awareness, education and constant activation of pupils with a view to promoting a balanced lifestyle, based on a holistic approach: mind, body and spirit. We will continue our country-wide endeavor benefiting from the support of SETS Scientific Council, our institutional and private partners, and alongside the 200 volunteers who generously chose to be part of the national alliance holding us together. We proved that we can contribute to preventing child obesity, we can provide the young generation with role models who can positively influence their lifestyle habits. Thank you all for your support!”, declared Silvia Bucur, President of PRAIS Foundation. 

SETS national movement communicates with the young generation and their families using its solid social media platform comprising portal, SETS Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram accounts.

SETS national movement is an active member of EPODE International Network – EIN, the world’s largest obesity prevention network, reuniting 43 programmes with similar methodologies in 30 countries, such as: France, Belgium, Spain, Netherlands, Greece, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Australia and New Zeeland. All results achieved by SETS are monitored through OPEN cross-countries project.

The partners of SETS movement are: Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Health, Bucharest, Cluj, Neamţ, Timiş and Prahova School Inspectorates, Faculties of Physical Education and Sports of Cluj-Napoca and Timişoara, the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee, National University of Physical Education and Sports in Bucharest, Romanian Federation for Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic disorders, Romanian Society of Nutrition and Metabolic disorders, Romanian Fencing Society, Romanian Federation of Dance sport and Romalimenta Federation via 4 member companies - our private partners.


The national project „We are the moving generation!” initiated by PRAIS Foundation team is mainly aimed at creating a large active community of teenagers who assign quality time to performing physical and sports activities along their colleagues, teachers, friends, family, and thus promoting a balanced lifestyle. Within the past several days, as part of an exciting road show there have been awarded the winners of the second edition, gathering 170 high schools in 14 cities and 2 localities across the country: Bucharest, Ploieşti, Timişoara, Cluj - Napoca, Braşov, Codlea, Făgăraş, Predeal, Râşnov, Rupea, Săcele, Victoria, Zărneşti, Bran and Feldioara and Prejmer communes. More than 28,000 high-schoolers signed up in the annual competition.

The 100 events organized throughout the school year accounted for a great opportunity to activate thousands of pupils and teachers. More than 150,000 materials were disseminated to 75,000 high-schoolers and 2,768 teachers.

In Bucharest, 29 high schools registered physical and sports activities performed by volunteers on the portal. The 1st prize was awarded to “Griviţa” College of Engineering-Mechanics, the 2nd place went to „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Theoretical High School, the 3rd place and the Fair Play award to “Gheorghe Lazăr” National College. Special awards were also offered to “Henri Coandă” Technical College of Aeronautics and to “Costin D. Neniţescu” Technical College.

“We are currently living in an age when access to technology, internet, as well as living in urban areas have dramatically reduced the time we spend for daily physical activities and sports, which are so necessary to the human body. Inactivity has major effects on the health state of the young generation and beyond. Following the study conducted prior to the launch, and along with our partners and volunteers to whom we are grateful for their particular involvement, we decided to contribute to changing teenagers’ lifestyle habits to better, by setting out a good practice example focused on the internationally-acknowledged methodologies we implement”, declared Silvia Bucur, President of PRAIS Foundation.

1,342 physical and sports activities were registered on the project’s portal, totaling 1,502 hours of movement and sports. Also, 23 open lessons organized in high schools engaged more than 1,800 pupils, members of the Students’ Councils, members of the teaching staff, renowned athletes from the Romanian Football Federation, Fencing Federation, Dance Sports Federation, volunteer students from UNEFS and Brasov Faculty of Physical Education and Mountain Sports. As part of the Gymclass competition, 530 high-schoolers created 33 videos, while 398 rallied and created 14 flash mobs. The project’s community was supported using the campaigns rolled out via the portal which had more than 65,500 views, while the official Facebook page registered an audience of 1,143,730 persons and gathered 15,066 likes. The YouTube channel, where videos made by pupils were posted, gathered more than 100,000 views.  

This social marketing project is based on the findings of the study “Teenagers’ lifestyle habits” conducted by PRAIS Foundation in collaboration with the Sociology Department of the Faculty of Political and Administrative Sciences within SNSPA.

The partners of the projects are: Bucharest, Prahova, Braşov, Timiş and Cluj School Inspectorates, UNEFS, Braşov Faculty of Physical Education and Mountain Sports, Timişoara Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Cluj-Napoca Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, “Ioan Kunst Ghermănescu” School of Coaching, Romanian Fencing Federation, Romanian Football Federation, Romanian Federation of Dance Sports, Romanian Federation of Body-building and Fitness.

„We are the moving generation!” - is an educational project scheduled to be implemented throughout 3 years. This project was developed based on the grant awarded by the Coca-Cola Foundation to PRAIS Foundation, following the annual selection of projects organized at international level.

Useful links:

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Studiul EPHE: In Romania, un copil petrece circa 22,7 ore pe saptamana in fata unui ecran de calculator sau televizor

Fundatia PRAIS, initiatorul miscarii nationale Si eu traiesc sanatos! – SETS”, a implementat in Romania pe o perioada de trei ani, proiectul EPHE „EPODE pentru promovarea egalitatii in ceea ce priveste starea de sanatate”. Au fost monitorizate metodologiile si rezultatele implementarii proiectului educational extracurricular SETS pe un esantion reprezentativ de 180 de familii din orasul Otopeni. Simultan, aceeasi cercetare s-a facut in alte 6 comunitati similare din Belgia, Franta, Olanda, Portugalia, Grecia si Bulgaria, evaluandu-se eficienta interventiilor bazate pe comunitate pentru a reduce decalajul legat de sanatate, respectiv, a prevenirii obezitatii infantile in randul populatiilor defavorizate.

Sondajul EPHE este o analiza de explorare si identificare a inegalitatilor de comportament si a factorilor determinanti ai acestora, la nivelul unor categorii socio-economice selectate, aplicand acelasi chestionar in fiecare an pe acelasi esantion. 1.266 de copii si familiile lor din 7 tari, au fost chestionati, dintre care 631 de baieti si 635 de fete, cu o medie de varsta de 7 - 9 ani.

Controlul parental in ceea ce priveste timpul petrecut in fata unui ecran este important.

Existenta unui televizor in dormitorul copilului sau urmarirea programelor TV in timpul meselor in familie au fost identificate ca factor determinant. In Romania, un copil petrece circa 22,7 ore pe saptamana in fata unui ecran (calculator sau televizor), in vreme ce in Olanda si Belgia timpul petrecut este de circa 15 ore. Tara noastra este surclasata doar de Bulgaria, cu 25 de ore. Timpul petrecut in fata calculatorului este monitorizat egal la nivelul grupurilor socio-economice tinta: 50% dintre parinti controleaza timpul petrecut de copiii lor in fata ecranului.

Inegalitate in sanatate: preventia traditionala nu ajunge la cei care au cea mai mare nevoie de ea.

Potrivit studiului, situatia economica si educationala a familiei poate fi asociata cu aproximativ 25% din prevalenta obezitatii la barbati si 50% la femei. Populatiile defavorizate nu au acces, in suficienta masura, la metodele de preventie traditionala, din cauza ratei reduse de participare sau a nivelului de intelegere scazut, astfel copiii nascuti intr-o familie cu o situatie socio-economica scazuta se afla intr-o pozitie dezavantajata in ceea ce priveste prevalenta obezitatii.

“Mediul parental in care se naste si se dezvolta un copil este esential.Inegalitatile in sanatate apar si din cauza conditiilor economice si alnivelului de educatie al familiilor. Modificarea perceptiilor si acomportamentelor necesita mult timp. Studiul EPHE arata ca, odata ceobiceiurile bune sunt incorporate in practica zilnica a familiei, acestea potfi durabile - un semnal pozitiv pentru o abordare bazata pe familie si pecomunitate in ceea ce priveste prevenirea obezitatii din copilarie si in randulpopulatiilor. Totodata, parteneriatul public - privat este unul dintre piloniide baza care fac posibila reusita masurabila a acestor programe ”, a declarat Silvia Bucur, Presedinte Fundatia PRAIS.

La finalul celortrei ani de implementare si a trei sondaje, studiul EPHE a aratat beneficiile accesuluiconstant la informare, educatie si activare de la varste fragede in schimbareaobiceiurilor de stil de viata, precum si crearea unui mediu favorabil pentru stareade sanatate generala a familiilor. Prin intermediul unor actiuni directe inmediul scolar si in comunitate, practicile parentale de acasa se pot imbunatatii.

Accesul gratuit la materiale educationale, lectiile deschise in scoli despreimportanta consumului echilibrat al tuturor categoriilor alimentare, al fructelorsi legumelor proaspete, a practicarii zilnice a sportului si miscarii, atelierelede creatie si piesele de teatru pe tema hidratarii si a somnului sunt doar catevadintre interventiile miscarii nationale „Si eu traiesc sanatos!” – SETS implementatesi monitorizate timp de 3 ani pe acelasi esantion de respondenti.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

"Eradication of child obesity is one of the most complex health challenges international community is facing in this century"


National Movement "I’m living healthy too!" –SETS: For 4 years, an alliance dedicated to childhood obesity prevention in Romania

The fourth annual edition of the national movement "I’m living healthy too!" - SETS initiated by PRAIS Foundation with its partners in March 2011 ended with a series of award ceremony of the most active SETS – “Moving & Fun” Clubs taking place in Bucharest (for more info see the Annex), Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca, Roman and Otopeni.


 SETS has become a model of good practice in the EPODE International Network1 – EIN, the largest global network for obesity prevention, which today brings together 42 programs with similar methodologies from 29 countries.According to EIN experts, recently reunited at the EPODE Annual Obesity Forum in Toronto, Canada, important progress in this area are is still expected, an important step being the worldwide recognition of obesity as a major problem,with important health consequences.

Since its launch until now, SETS engaged in the 5 cities where it is present over 116,340primary school students, 3,000 teachers and 200,000 parents, 2 million - the general public / year. In addition to direct interventions in schools, SETS national movement - the public information portal dedicated to parents and children, and a social media platform (containing pages and accounts SETS Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram) totaling over 34,000 friends until present.

"Together with our institutional and private partners, the SETS Scientific Council, we’ve created during these 4 years a powerful national alliance by which we align to  the WHO global action plan for prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases, adopted in 2013 to the WHO Global Health Summit in Geneva, which has the target of no increase in prevalence of obesity between 2010 and 20252. Preventing childhood obesity is essential for a healthy life in adulthood and to reverse its prevalence. Today Public Private partnership is an important pillar everywhere in the world. We promote a new type of dialogue and cooperation through action that leads to good results,together! Not separately! " said Silvia Bucur, President of PRAIS Foundation.

Margaret Chan, WHO’s Director-General,acknowledged in her opening remarks at the second meeting of the high-level Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity on Jan 13, 2015, that “ending childhood obesity is one of the most complex health challenges facing the international community during this century” 3.

According to the Global Burden of Disease study published in May 2014, 37%of men and 38% of women have an index of 25 kg / m² or higher, which represents an increase of body mass of 28% in adults and 47% in children, compared to 19804. An estimated 2.1 billion people are overweight globally.5  And while some developed countries have seenan apparent slowing of the rise in obesity prevalence since 2006, no country has reported significant decreases for three decades.6

SETS national movement is based on EPODE methodologies, recognized by DG Sanco. In the four years of implementation, a record number of over 13,816 students created and enrolled voluntarily into the 344 SETS Clubs,carrying 6,237 sport and physical activities, essential for them in combination with their and their parents information on the benefits of a balanced diet hydration, sleep, hygiene, harmony in the family, in a holistic approach: mind, body, spirit.

SETS movement has 23 public - private partners. The implementation of SETS movement was made possible due to the generous support provided by its FoundingMembers and Private Partners: Romalimenta Federation via 5 member companies: Coca-Cola, Mondelēz, Nestlé, together with Pepsico, Unilever, and also Carrefour.

About PRAIS Foundation
PRAIS Foundation was created in 2002 by PRAIS Corporate Communications. In its national projects, it supports 4 main causes: access to resources, education and personal development, a sustainable economy based on innovation,competitiveness and ethics, and the promotion of healthy lifestyle & care for the environment.

Renowned localy and internationally, PRAIS Foundation has been successfully involved for 13 years in national educational projects in the areas of promoting healthy nutrition; food safety; environment protection; promoting young talents. The programs have involved millions of students, families, teachers, the general public and created alliances of values among public and private, opinion leaders, local and international specialists, gathered together to serve the global social causes dedicated to the future generations.

1EPODE International Network was designated by the Directorate General for Health and Consumers of the European Commission as „Best Health Promotion European project”, while the physical education interventions within the „I’m living healthy too!” – SETS movement was appraised as a good practice example.
2WHO. Global action plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases 2013–2020. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2013. Jan26, 2015). 3Chan M. WHO Director-General addresses childhood obesitycommission. Jan 13, 2015. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2015. (accessed Jan26, 2015).
4Ng M, Fleming T, Robinson M, et al. Global,regional, and national prevalence of overweight and obesity in children andadults during1980–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet 2014; 384: 766–81.
6Rethinking and reframing obesity, Lancet, February 19, 2015



Bucharest SETS Clubs 2015 Final Top :

Ø First Prize Sector 1 – Clubul SPORT IS FUN, Liceul Teoretic Şcoala Mea.
Coodonator: Mariana Pirpiliu.
Activities: 41
Members: 110

Ø First Prize Sector 2: Clubul SPORTIS,  Şcoala Gimnazială nr. 62.
Coordinator: Camelia Ilinca.
Activities: 102
Members: 317

Ø First Prize Sector 3: Clubul CAMPIONII M, ŞcoalaGimnazială Shanghai.
Coordinator:Eugenia Ilinca.
Activities: 30
Members: 490

Ø First Prize Sector 4, ex-equo: Clubul OZONE, Şcoala Gimnazială nr. 99.
Coordinators: LucianaPascu & Daniela Dumitrescu.
Activities: 13
Members: 191

Ø First Prize Sector 4, ex-equo: Clubul 1,2...9 FACEM MISCARE, ŞcoalaGimnazială nr. 129.
Coordinator: Florina Olteanu.
Activities: 20
Members: 393

Ø First Prize Sector 5: Clubul COCOŞEII VOINICEI, Şcoala Gimnazială Mircea Sântimbreanu.
Coordinator: Cristina Neagu.
Activities: 36
Members: 464

Ø First Prize Sector 6: Clubul SPORTIVII ACTIVI - ŞCOALA NR 174, Şcoala Gimnazială Constantin Brâncuşi.
Coordinators: Cornelia Băţăuş & Daniela Ţuicu.
Members: 419

Ceremoniile de închidere ale primei ediţii a programului "Suntem Generaţia în Mişcare!", in presa natională

Odată cu inchiderea primei sale ediţii, care a angrenat peste 15.000 de elevi, programul de marketing social "Suntem generaţia in mişcare!" iniţiat de Fundatia PRAIS si-a celebrat castigatorii din cele 2 orase participante: Bucuresti si Ploiesti - elevii liceelor "Miguel de Cervantes" si "Alexandru Ioan Cuza". 

Detalii despre program şi ceremoniile din Bucureşti şi Ploiesti au fost preluate în presa naţională. Regăsiţi mai sus o selecţie de articole pe această temă.

Programul „Suntem generaţia în mişcare!” este destinat informării şi educării adolescenţilor, familiilor acestora şi a publicului larg cu privire la beneficiile stilului de viaţă sănătos, a activităţilor fizice zilnice, sportului şi a unei alimentaţii echilibrate.

Următoarea ediţie va debuta în toamnă, odată cu noul an şcolar.

15.000 Students in the „We are the Moving Generation!” Community

24 June, 2015: The national program “We are the moving generation!” recently awarded the winners from 2 participating cities: Bucharest – 9th and 10th grade-students from “Miguel de Cervantes” Bilingual Theoretical High-school who voluntarily completed 212 physical and sports activities during their leisure time, totaling 265 hours and Ploieşti – students from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” National College who registered 152 activities, carried out in 206 hours.

Launched by the PRAIS Foundation in 2014 and implemented throughout a period of three years, the program “We are the moving generation!” aims at educating teenagers 14 to 16 years of age on the benefits of carrying out daily physical exercise and sports. This social marketing project was built on the results of the study “Obiceiurile de stil de viaţă ale adolescenţilor” (Teenagers’ lifestyle habits) conducted by the foundation in collaboration with the Sociology Department of the Faculty of Political and Administrative Sciences within SNSPA, under the coordination of the department’s director, Vintilă Mihăilescu, PhD.

The study focused on a representative sample of over 990 respondents 14 to 16 years of age from Bucharest and Ploieşti revealed that a typical high-school teenager spends approximately 6.5 hours at school on a daily basis and assigns an average of 2.1 hours to individual study. 

Furthermore, this teenager spends an average of 2.6 hours watching TV, 1.5 hours playing computer games and 3 to 4 hours communicating with his friends online. 7.9 hours in average are dedicated to sleep. 46% of the students part of the survey carry out physical exercises only once a week or do not carry out at all, while only 17% practice sports every day. Over 50% of the respondents carry out physical exercises between 30 minutes and one hour on a daily basis. 36% of the students admitted they do not wake up rested, 38% feel sleepy or have fallen asleep at school, while 29% experienced focus-related issues. 

These results show that the teenagers included in the targeted sample have a sedentary life style which in addition to other causes may affect their power to concentrate in school, may lead to fatigue and consequently may affect their general health in time.

The activation of the targeted 15,000 teenagers included focus groups, a comprehensive social-media campaign, dissemination of over 40,000 information materials to 30,000 high-school students, 72 theme events, open lessons and awarding ceremonies with the participation of dancers, renowned athletes, UNEFS students, volunteers. The monthly competitions stimulated their creativity, their ability to mobilize and their talent. The Gym Class and Flash-mobs competitions were based on videos containing group gymnastics and choreography exercises created by students and posted on the YouTube channel “The Moving Generation” and on the Facebook page, with the purpose to be promoted in order to achieve the objective and collect as many likes as possible.

1.053 sports and physical exercises were registered on the program’s portal, totaling 1,309 hours. The 10 open lessons conducted in high-schools engaged over 700 students, members of the Students’ Councils, volunteers of PRAIS Foundation and UNEFS students. 36 videos were created by the participants, while 230 teenagers mobilized to initiate 9 flash mobs. Throughout only 5 months, the program’s main channel of information, namely totaled over 39,000 views, while the messages posted on the program’s Facebook page accounted for an overall audience of 200,000 persons and 8,700 likes. The YouTube channel gathered up to date over 56,000 views.

“Our main priority is to create a community where teenagers experience once again the pleasure and the multiple benefits generated by physical activities and sports alongside their colleagues and friends. The survey emphasized the extremely sedentary lifestyle describing the young generation, with all its implications. We live in an age where access to technology, internet and urban life dramatically limits the time dedicated to movement at any age. Therefore we are committed to change the lifestyle habits of young persons throughout three years, using motivating and stimulating methodologies on several levels. We are also certain that the family plays a decisive role in this collective endeavor, therefore we believe it should be well informed on the importance of outdoor activities and daily physical exercises for children”, declared Silvia Bucur, President of PRAIS Foundation.
„The young persons are often referred to as the “internet generation”, and nothing more. This study draws focus, among others on an alarming fact: this connection with the virtual world tends to “disconnect” teenagers from movement, which may affect their body and health later on” declared Vintilă Mihăilescu, Director of the Sociology Department of the Political Sciences Faculty within SNSPA.
The project implementation was possible thanks to the grant awarded to the PRAIS Foundation by the Coca-Cola Foundation, following an international annual selection.
„We are the moving generation!” is the first national social marketing program dedicated to teenagers and implemented in Romania, based on the EPODE International Network (EIN) - the largest global network dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle. PRAIS Foundation is an active member of EIN, reuniting 42 programs with similar methodologies in 29 countries, based on the Public Private Partnership.

The partners are: Ministry of Youth and Sports, School Inspectorates from Bucharest and Prahova County, Students’ Councils from Bucharest and Ploiesti, Mayoralty of Ploiesti, National University of Physical Education and Sports in Bucharest, Coaching School „Ioan Kunst Ghermănescu”, Romanian Body-Building and Fitness Federation, Romanian Sports Dance Federation, Romanian Football Federation, Romanian Federation Sports for All.
About PRAIS Foundation
PRAIS Foundation was founded in 2002 by the company PRAIS Corporate Communications. It supports 4 main causes in its national programs: access to education and personal development of the young generation, a sustainable economy based on innovation, competitiveness and ethics, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, care for the environment. PRAIS Foundation was successfully involved over the last 12 years in national educational programs promoting a healthy lifestyle, young talents, environmental protection and food product safety.

Useful links:

Friday, July 27, 2012

Volunteers of the national movement "I'm living healthy, too! SETS" delivered 95 open lessons in schools

Bucharest, May 19th 2014: May represents the highpoint for the national movement „I’m living healthy, too” – SETS, in terms of school interventions based on internationally acknowledged methodologies. 95 open lessons were thus delivered by the volunteers of the PRAIS Foundation and were animated by the dedicated voluntary students within the National University of Physical Education and Sports in Bucharest (UNEFS) and the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports in Cluj – acting as genuine examples for children.

Over 5,600 pupils registered in I-IV grades and 240 members of the teaching staff took part in the open lessons delivered in the 27 selected schools from Bucharest and Cluj Napoca.

„Creating a boost of energy and vitality, 100 voluntary students from UNEFS in Bucharest and FEFS Cluj introduced to pupils the benefits a balanced nutrition has on a healthy body and mind and engaged them in sports games specially created for extracurricular activities. The young sportsmen added skillful demonstrations to all this. Good spirits and the personal example constituted a strong motivation for children and encouraged them to exercise and consider sports as a source of health and fun during leisure time” declared Silvia Bucur, President of the PRAIS Foundation, initiator of SETS.

„UNEFS has been supporting the SETS project for 4 years, as a dedicated partner, directly promoting the benefits of exercising among pupils in the primary education cycle. The involvement of the voluntary students in this project contributes to the promotion of mass sports and a healthy lifestyle among children, by providing them with social role models to follow. Sports develop certain physical and social qualities, for which reason we encourage and support this national movement”, declared Prof. Viorel Cojocaru, PhD, chancellor of the National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest.

Every year, the most active 15 volunteers from UNEFS are rewarded by the PRAIS Foundation within a ceremony organized under the national movement.

SETS movement is part of Epode International Network – EIN, the largest global network dedicated to prevent obesity, bringing together 36 programs with similar methodologies in 24 countries including: France, Belgium, Spain, Netherlands, Greece, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Australia and New Zeeland, within which the SETS movement is an active member. The EIN network, of which SETS is a member, was designated by DG SANCO as „Best Health Promotion European project”, while the physical education interventions within the „I’m living healthy too!” – SETS movement were appraised as a good practice example.

The open lessons complete the series of activities developed by the voluntary pupils within SETS Clubs – Movement and Fun, a new concept combining education and play which was initiated in schools. Over 10,000 pupils have signed up so far on so as to participate in the annual competitions organized within the most active SETS Clubs.

Since its launch, SETS has integrated in Romania over 94.500 pupils registered in the primary education cycle in 252 schools in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca and Roman, 3,000 members of the teaching staff and over 200,000 parents and 2 million – audience. The portal of the movement – registers over 77,000 visitors, while the SETS Facebook page – totals at this moment over 28,400 friends.

The partners of the SETS movement are: Ministry of Health, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Youth and Sports, School Directorates in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca and Neamţ, Cluj-Napoca City Hall, the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports in Cluj, the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee, the Federation of Athletic Sports in Romania, the National University of Physical Education and Sports in Bucharest, the Romanian Federation for Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Disorders, the Romanian Society for Nutrition, the Romalimenta Federation with the support of 5 member companies and Carrefour.

PRAIS Foundation was founded 11 years ago by the company PRAIS Corporate Communications. Its mission is to promote access to education and resources, a healthy lifestyle, care for nature and sustainable economy, focusing on the young generation. The 15 national social marketing programs the foundation has created and developed so far, within communities, will soon be followed by other far-reaching projects.

Useful links: 


Miscarea nationala "Si eu traiesc sanatos! - SETS la finalul celei de a doua editii anuale

Fundatia PRAIS, alaturi de partenerii sai, a celebrat in perioada 12-14 iunie 2013 incheierea celei de a doua editii anuale a miscarii nationale “Si eu traiesc sanatos!” – SETS, printr-o caravana a ceremoniilor de premiere a celor mai active Cluburi SETS - Miscare si Distractie din Bucuresti. 7 scoli din Bucuresti au sarbatorit alaturi de echipa Fundatiei PRAIS si partenerii acesteia castigarea unuia dintre trofeele SETS din aceasta editie. Peste 1.400 de elevi si 80 de cadre didactice membri in cele 7 Cluburi SETS castigatoare au fost rasplatiti cu premii constand in echipamente sportive si alte materiale ce incurajeaza abordarea unui stil de viata sanatos.

Inovatia miscarii SETS, Cluburile SETS – Miscare si Distractie sunt organizate voluntar, in fiecare an, de catre elevi, care cu sprijinul profesorilor coordonatori inscriu pe platforma online clubul, precum si toate actiunile si fotografiile de la activitatile desfasurate pe parcursul anului scolar. De la lansare pana in prezent, 9.766 elevi inscrisi voluntar in 240 Cluburi SETS au urmat indemnul membrilor Consiliului Stiintific SETS ce recomanda ca deviza a stilului de viata sanatos “Moderatie, Echilibru si Variatie” si au desfasurat 3.531 activitati fizice esentiale in dezvoltarea lor armonioasa, in asociere cu alimentatia echilibrata.

In cadrul editiei SETS din acest an, trofeele pentru cele mai active Cluburi SETS – Miscare si Distractie din Bucuresti au fost obtinute de catre:

Sector 1 – Clubul Sport is Fun, Scoala Mea
Sector 2 – Clubul Sportis, Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 62
Sector 3 – Clubul Titanii Sanatatii, Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 195
Sector 4 – Clubul 1, 2...9 Facem Miscare, Scoala Gimnaziala "Elena Farago"
Sector 4 – Clubul Ozone, Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 99
Sector 5 – Clubul 127 Spiridusii, Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 127 "Republica Peru"
Sector 6 – Clubul Sportivii Activi, Scoala Gimnaziala “Constantin Brancusi”

In Romania, SETS a angrenat pana in prezent 79.529 de elevi din ciclul primar din 252 de scoli din Bucuresti, Roman si, din acest an, si din Cluj-Napoca, 3.000 de cadre didactice si peste 160.000 de parinti, 2 milioane - public larg. In cadrul parteneriatului cu SETS, 200 de studenti din cadrul UNEFS au sustinut voluntar 145 de lectii deschise, demonstratii sportive, devenind adevarate modele pentru elevi.

Urmatoarea editie SETS va demara in toamna, odata cu inceperea noului an scolar 2013-2014. Pe langa interventiile directe in scoli, miscarea nationala SETS a dezvoltat si un portal de informare publica dedicat atat parintilor, cat si copiilor -, precum si propria pagina de Facebook /MiscareaSETS, cu peste 10.600 de like-uri.

“Incheiem aceasta a doua editie SETS cu satisfactia ca, in urma demersurilor noastre constante de informare si educare din ultimii ani de cand miscarea a fost lansata, tot mai multe familii din Romania au fost receptive la mesajul nostru, al membrilor Consiliului Stiintific SETS si al partenerilor nostri extraordinari, de promovare a unui stil de viata sanatos, a unei nutritii echilibrate si a miscarii fizice. Am demonstrat ca putem actiona direct pentru prevenirea obezitatii infantile, scopul miscarii noastre, si ca putem oferi tinerei generatii modele inspirationale care le vor influenta in bine obiceiurile de stil de viata. Actionand acum, impreuna, putem fi arhitectii propriului nostru viitor sanatos!”, a declarat Silvia Bucur, Presedinte al Fundatiei PRAIS, initiatoarea miscarii SETS.

Miscarea SETS are ca obiective prevenirea obezitatii infantile si promovarea stilului de viata sanatos in randul familiilor din Romania, pe o perioada de 5 ani, intr-o abordare holistica: minte, trup si spirit. Partenerii miscarii SETS sunt: Ministerul Sanatatii, Ministerul Educatiei Nationale, Ministerul Tineretului si Sportului, Inspectoratele Scolare din Bucuresti, Neamt si Cluj, Comitetul Olimpic si Sportiv Roman, Federatia Romana de Atletism, Universitatea Nationala de Educatie Fizica si Sport, Federatia Romana de Diabet, Nutritie si Boli Metabolice, Societatea Romana de Nutritie, Federatia Romalimenta, Carrefour.

Miscarea SETS face parte din cea mai mare retea globala de prevenire a obezitatii - Epode International Network (EIN), ce reuneste 25 de programe cu metodologii similare din 15 tari printre care: Franta, Belgia, Spania, Olanda, Grecia, Canada, Brazilia, Mexic, Polonia, Portugalia, Australia si Noua Zeelanda, in cadrul careia miscarea SETS este membru activ. Anul trecut, EIN a fost desemnata de catre DG SANCO drept "Best Health promotion European project", iar interventiile pe activitati fizice din cadrul miscarii “Si eu traiesc sanatos!” - SETS sunt recunoscute ca model de buna practica.


Peste 20.000 de fani au ales stilul de viata sanatos

Pagina de Facebook a Miscarii "Si eu traiesc sanatos!" – SETS ( a depasit in aceasta saptamana 20.000 de fani, in contextul unui trend de crestere continua a interesului comunitatii SETS pentru informatiile legate de stilul de viata sanatos, precum si pentru imaginile irezistibile si retetele unde reginele sunt fructele si legumele proaspete, postate zilnic pe pagina SETS.

Echipa PRAIS specializata in social media a asigurat paginii de Facebook SETS, in numai 2 luni, o audienta saptamanala de aproximativ 140.000 de persoane - peste 560.000 pe luna, prin 120 de postari lunare. De asemenea, mesajele postate pe pagina de Facebook SETS au angajat in fiecare saptamana in medie peste 3.500 de fani, care au comentat, au dat like si au share-uit informatiile, imaginile si sfaturile promovate de SETS. Aditional, alte 7.000 de click-uri au fost generate saptamanal de postarile paginii (reprezentand vizualizari – altele decat comentariile, like-urile si share-urile postarilor).

Cu un raport de 60% la 40% intre sexe, feminin vs. masculin, fanii miscarii nationale SETS pe Facebook acopera toate grupele de varsta, cu un accent special pe grupa de tineri cu varste cuprinse intre 13 si 17 ani – acestia reprezentand aproximativ 40% din total. Urmeaza grupa de fani cu varste intre 18-24 ani - 24%, grupa 25-35 ani - 16%, grupa 35-44 ani - 12%. Restul de 7 procente sunt impartite intre fanii din grupa 45-65 + ani.

„Este remarcabil interesul fata de campania noastra pe Facebook. Retetele, studiile, articolele postate, lansarea in dezbatere a beneficiilor sportului, a activitatiilor fizice zilnice, umorul cu care comentam obiceiurile de zi cu zi, sunt un factor care contribuie pozitiv la schimbarea in bine a obiceiurilor noastre de stil de viata”, a declarat Silvia Bucur, Presedinte al Fundatiei PRAIS.

Miscarea nationala "Si eu traiesc sanatos!" – SETS ( a fost initiata in Romania in 2011 de catre Fundatia PRAIS, avand ca obiective prevenirea obezitatii infantile si promovarea unui stil de viata sanatos in randul familiilor din Romania, intr-o abordare holistica: minte, trup si spirit. SETS este membru activ al Epode International Network (EIN), cea mai mare retea globala de prevenire a obezitatii: 15 tari membre si 25 de programe nationale cu metodologii similare. Anul trecut EIN a fost desemnata de catre DG SANCO drept "Best Health promotion European project", iar interventiile SETS de promovare a activitatii fizice din Romania au devenit model de buna practica.

De la lansare si pana in prezent, peste 79.529 de elevi din ciclul primar din 252 de scoli din Bucuresti, Roman si Cluj-Napoca, 3.000 de cadre didactice si peste 160.000 de parinti, 2 milioane - public larg au avut acces la informatii despre beneficiile alimentatiei echilibrate, activitatilor fizice zilnice, sportului in general, despre igiena si valori morale.

Miscarea SETS are ca parteneri Ministerul Sanatatii, Ministerul Educatiei Nationale, Ministerul Tineretului si Sportului, Inspectoratele Scolare din Bucuresti, Neamt si Cluj, Primariile Cluj-Napoca si Roman, Comitetul Olimpic si Sportiv Roman, Federatia Romana de Atletism, UNEFS, FEFS Cluj-Napoca, Federatia Romana de Diabet, Nutritie si Boli Metabolice, Societatea Romana de Nutritie si Federatia Romalimenta.


Obesity can be successfully prevented

Bucharest, April 2013 – 
As part of the national movement “I’m living healthy, too!” – SETS, at the initiative of PRAIS Foundation, a sociologic study of Bucharest 1st graders’ lifestyle habits was conducted by GfK Romania. The official launch of the second SETS edition will further target the achievement of the objectives related to the prevention of child obesity and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among the Romanian families, in a holistic approach: mind, body, spirit.

In Romania, SET
S movement has engaged up to now 79,529 pupils in the primary cycle from 252 schools from Bucharest, Roman and Cluj-Napoca, 3,000 educators and over 160,000 parents, 2 millions – the public at large.

“For 5 years, we aimed that the national alliance supporting SETS movement proves we can change the future of a generation by informing and educating children and their families nationwide. The methodologies used are applied in 15 other Epode International Network – EIN member countries, like us, and the measurable results will have their say. I want to emphasize that, without a strong public-private partnership underpinning this collective effort, we could not have managed to achieve a best practice model in EIN network”, declared Silvia Bucur, President of PRAIS Foundation.

“We are delighted with the long-term partnership we have with SETS Movement in Romania, as part of EIN. Our message is that obesity can be successfully prevented, evidenced by the results achieved by our members who managed, in the communities where EPODE methodology is applied, to reduce the incidence of this disease among children (for instance, by 1.8% in France, 3.09% in Belgium). We are also happy to announce that the European Obesity Forum will take place this year in Bucharest, between 17th and 18th of October, also as a recognition of the efforts that PRAIS Foundation, together with its local and international partners, manage to undertake in order to prevent juvenile obesity”, concluded Jean-Michel Borys, General Secretary of EIN.

According to GfK study initiated by PRAIS Foundation, a 1st grader from Bucharest is, on average, 7 years old, weights 26 kg and has 125.8 cm in height. The weight-height ratio shows that, between 100-125 cm, children have an average weight of 23.7 kg. Between 126-145 cm height – an average weight of 28.2 kg, and between 146-160 cm height – an average weight of 29.9 kg.

More than three quarters of the 1st graders from Bucharest eat breakfast every day during the week, and almost all do this every Saturday and Sunday. 68% of the 1st graders from Bucharest eat 3 main meals per day. Half use to eat also in between meals, and 2 out of 5 children eat only during main meals. More than half of the 1st graders from Bucharest consume fruits, vegetables, dairies and meat at least once a day. As regards the consumption of cooked food, they have a cooked meal twice a day on average. On a weekly basis, children consume 8.6 times fruits, 7 times vegetables, and 7.9 times sweets.

They hydrate by drinking more than 4 glasses of liquids every day. As regards the consumption of soft drinks, they drink them 3 times a week on average. The study also shows 38% of the 1st graders from Bucharest exercise every day. On average, 5 days a week they exercise in the open air, by walking in the park, playing with other children.

More than 50% of the 1st graders from Bucharest do physical exercises (including physical education classes and/or practicing a sport) 2-3 times a week.

About half of the 1st graders from Bucharest spend, on average, 2 hours a day in front of the TV during the week, respectively 3 hours in the weekend. A third of the children spend more than 4 hours during the weekend watching TV/DVD/Video. As regards the access to technology and information, about three quarters of the 1st graders from Bucharest have 1 or 2 computers in their household, the majority having access to the Internet.

They study individually for about two and a half hours a day. On a weekend day, they play twice more than on a week day, while they spend about half an hour to communicate with friends on social networks, regardless of the day. Most 1st graders do not spend time on the computer in order to communicate with their friends. On average, they dedicate about two and a half days of their spare time per week to colleagues/ friends. According to their age, they allocate most time to sleep, followed by school activities and individual study. The kids spend more time with their family than they do on the computer.

The members of SETS Scientific Council recommend “Moderation, Balance and Variation” as the slogan of a healthy lifestyle, daily physical activities and sport being essential for the child’s harmonious development, in association with a balanced diet.

The questionnaire was made by PRAIS Foundation, revised by the Ministry of Health and adapted by GfK Romania. The questionnaire was applied in the period December 2012 - January 2013, on a sample consisting of 677 parents of 1st graders from 30 schools from Bucharest and has an error margin of +/- 3.77%. “I’m living healthy too! - SETS Lifestyle habits of 1st graders” study has reference value for SETS national movement, which aims at repeating this sociological analysis also at the end of the project’s 4-year school cycle, thus evaluating the impact of EPODE methodologies, underlying SETS movement.

Starting from the results of the study, the partners decided that the topic of 2013 within the movement is: “SETS – Give the start for movement!”.

The event was attended by Jean-Michel Borys, General Secretary of Epode International Network – EIN, the largest global network for obesity prevention, 24 programs with similar methodologies in 15 countries (including: France, Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand), within which SETS is an active member. Last year, EIN was appointed by DG SANCO as "Best Health promotion European project", and the interventions on physical activities within “I’m living healthy too!” - SETS movement are recognized as a best practice model.

The partners of the movement are: Ministry of Health, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Youth and Sports, School Inspectorates from Bucharest, Neamţ and Cluj, Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee, Romanian Athletics Federation, National University of Physical Education and Sport, Romanian Federation for Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, Romanian Nutrition Society, Romalimenta Federation.


Today is the day when “I’m living healthy too!”– SETS

2011-2016, 5 years dedicate to the prevention of child obesity and promotion of a healthy lifestyle among the Romanian families

Bucharest, 18 June 2012 - PRAIS Foundation and its partners celebrated the end of the annual edition of the national movement “I’m living healthy too!” – SETS which aims, within the next 5 years, at preventing child obesity and promoting a healthy lifestyle among the Romanian families, through a holistic approach: mind, body, spirit.
Since launch, in March 2011, over 68,000 primary school pupils from 215 schools from Bucharest and Roman, 2,000 educators and 140,000 parents, 1 million people – wide public, had access to information about the benefits of a balanced nutrition, daily physical activities, sports in general, hygiene and moral values. All the pupils received 2 educational books free of charge, based on which lessons are delivered by the teachers, during the extracurricular hours. 120 students of UNEFS voluntarily delivered 60 open lessons, sports demonstrations, becoming true role-models. Every year, SETS movement will increase the number of pupils by 50,000. The public information tool, portal, gathered over 25,000 visitors within only a few months. The innovation of the SETS movement includes the concept of “SETS Clubs – Sports and Entertainment” launched in schools; the pupils establish them voluntarily, conduct campaigns to attract members, develop the slogan, logo, register all the actions and photos on portal. 8,035 pupils registered voluntarily in 201 sports clubs and developed 1,836 physical activities.
“The prevention of child obesity, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle for the whole family can have measurable effects through ongoing information and education. Within the next 5 years, supported by schools, communities, members of SETS Scientific Council and extraordinary partners, we will prove we can change the life habits of the young generation, of the wide public, to the better, together with public figures – role-models who will inspire us. The results obtained only one year after the SETS launch have proven it is possible!”, declared Silvia Bucur, President of PRAIS Foundation. At institutional level, the partnership of the SETS movement with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports, Bucharest School Inspectorate, Roman County School Inspectorate enables its alignment to the European agenda regarding the prevention of child obesity and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. SETS Scientific Council, includes physicians, Olympic athletes, professors and renowned psychologists. The Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee, Romanian Athletics Federation, UNEFS, Romanian Federation for Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, Romanian Nutrition Society, Romalimenta Federation, through its 6 members; Carrefour, Romprest are our partner organizations.PRAIS Foundation signed the agreement by which the national Romanian movement “I’m living healthy too!” - SETS becomes an official member of Epode International Network – EIN together with other 23 national programs with similar methodologies from 18 countries, including: France, Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, Greece, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Australia and New Zealand – a global value alliance, gathering strong national programs. PRAIS Foundation presented the movement from Romania at the meeting of the Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG Sanco) - High Level Group on Nutrition and Physical Activities – within the European Commission from Brussels. The participants appreciated the SETS methodology, the public private partnership, the sustainable intervention, for a period of 5 years, among pupils, families, professors, communities, the general public.


„Lumea ta? Curată!”, o iniţiativă pentru fiecare zi 



Press clippings
Bucharest, 14 June 2012 - Luna iunie este marcată la nivel global de acţiuni naţionale legate de grija faţă de mediu. Iniţiativa Fundaţiei PRAIS „Lumea ta? Curată!” – LTC, celebrează astăzi implicarea şi talentul celor 2.137 de elevi de clasa a IV‑a din 38 de şcoli, celor 134 cadre didactice din Bucureşti, la finalul celei de-a IV- a ediţii LTC, derulată în parteneriat cu Primăria Sectorului 1 şi Romprest.
„Activarea responsabilităţii civice prin joc, stimularea creativităţii prin lecţii deschise interactive susţinute de actori, concursuri şi expoziţii cu lucrări decorative realizate din deşeuri reciclabile, compuneri postate pe site, activităţi de colectare selectivă zilnică, toate au condus la motivarea şi sensibilizarea micilor elevi faţă de mediu, la rezultate deosebite şi în acest an” declară Silvia Bucur, Preşedinte Fundaţia PRAIS.
De la lansare în anul 2008, elevii primesc anual gratuit, o carte educaţională şi au acces alături de părinţi, rude, prieteni, la informaţii pe platforma on-line: În cadrul celor 3 concursuri şcolare din acest an, elevii au colectat selectiv în numai o lună, 74 metri cubi de hârtie şi 33 de metri cubi de plastic, ca rezultat al consumului lor curent. Rezultatele au fost înscrise pe site, generându-se automat topul celor mai active şcoli din sectorul 1. Copiii au creat şi expun peste 584 de obiecte decorative din materiale reciclabile, care sunt premiate anual în cadrul unei ceremonii.
“Am remarcat şi în acest an, o vie implicare a copiilor şi a cadrelor didactice în proiect, rezultatele fiind mult peste aşteptările noastre. Este un moment de bucurie pentru noi toţi, să premiem grija tinerei generaţii faţă de mediu.”, a declarat Adriana Calcan, Manager Comunicare şi Marketing Romprest. 
Compania de salubrizare Romprest a asigurat colectarea selectivă din şcoli, iar specialiştii săi au participat la lecţiile deschise. Cele 38 de şcoli din sectorul 1, Bucureşti, au fost dotate cu pubele pentru colectarea selectivă a hârtiei şi plasticului.

PRAIS GREEN CSR: In 4 years, 98,000 volunteers and 91,000 employees planted more than 53,198,000 trees and more than 23,254,000 younglings and plants 




Press clippings

Bucharest, 24 June, 2010. PRAIS Corporate Communications and PRAIS Foundation, the initiators of the National Planting Movement „Millions of People, Millions of Trees”, have announced the results of the 4th edition. Since its launch, in September 2006, to the month of May 2010, the movement has cumulatively registered a record number of plantings nationwide: more than 53,198,000 trees and more than 23,254,000 younglings and plants. These results have been made possible due to the extraordinary involvement of 700 organisations, 98,000 volunteers and 91,000 employees. Institutional partners are The Ministry for Environment and The National Environment Guard. Smithfield Romania and Lafarge Romania are Founder Members. The movement has been officially recognised by the United Nations for Environment Program (UNEP) and is developed under the logo of UNEP’s global program „Plant for the Planet”. This recognition is based on the contribution of the Romanian movement to the UN environmental program – the campaign „One Billion Trees”. The most active foundations, schools, mayoralties, companies, forestry directorates and departments, as well as other organisations in Romania, which registered the highest number of plantings nationwide in the 4th edition, were awarded the „Millions of People, Millions of Trees” Trophy. The movement communication platform, website has registered an increase in traffic this year, with visitors from 40 countries, such as: USA, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, Russia and Austria. Over the last 14 years, PRAIS has created and implemented in Romania 18 national CSR programs, platforms which support a different kind of progress, based on healthy, sustainable lifestyles, access to education, culture, information, planet resources, and promote the concern for the nature. These are part of the new culture and global market: LOHAS – „Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability” to which PRAIS adhered. 20 multinational companies and professional associations trusted these national CSR projects. “Since its establishment, PRAIS received international recognition in Tokyo, from the IPRA jury, being awarded the IPRA Golden World Award for the best CSR program in 1999 and Grand Prize for the best PR program in all the categories. The national planting movement was nominated by IPRA in 2007 in the section of the best environmental PR campaign. We are grateful to Smithfield Romania’ 4 years involvement in this major project. We have being honoured to award both SMF Ferme and SMF Prod with our Foundation Trophy for Excellence in CSR”, declared Silvia Bucur, President of PRAIS Foundation. PRAIS has also celebrated the second edition of the national initiative „Your World? Clean!”-, the educational component of the planting movement, which aims at civically and responsibly educating the young generation to save planet resources, selectively collect recyclable waste, protect the environment by volunteering actions.
To date, “Your World? Clean!” has involved more than 5,200 pupils and 230 educators from 92 schools in Bucharest, Medgidia, Arad and Timişoara Counties, as well as 15,000 members of the pupils’ families. 50 open lessons were conducted in schools; the pupils created more than 1,300 decorative items from recyclable materials, of which 200 were awarded. The pupils registered 260 compositions on environmental topics on the website In Bucharest, district 1, all the schools involved in the program were provided with bins for selective collection. The pupils have cumulatively collected from their daily consumption, in the two editions: 605.32 cubic meters of paper, 216.57 cubic meters of plastic. These two national projects are possible due to the involvement and support from our institutional partners: Ministry of Environment and Forestry, National Environmental Guard, School Inspectorate of the Municipality of Bucharest.

Materiale didactice în valoare de 55.977 RON pentru Liceul de Coregrafie „Floria Capsali” din Bucureşti 



Press clippings

Bucureşti, 12 iunie 2007 – Fundaţia PRAIS şi Răzvan Mazilu donează astăzi Liceului de Coregrafie „Floria Capsali” din Bucureşti cinci pianine marca Petrof şi 32 de DVD-uri cu spectacole de dans clasic şi contemporan, în valoare totală de 55.977 RON. Materialele didactice au fost achiziţionate din fondurile obţinute în urma Spectacolului Extraordinar de Dans Contemporan, ”Răzvan Mazilu şi invitaţii săi” care s-a desfăşurat în data de 12 martie 2007 la Opera Naţională Bucureşti. Iniţiat de Răzvan Mazilu şi Fundaţia PRAIS, proiectul cultural de responsabilitate socială „DANCE ENERGY” se va desfăşura, la nivel naţional, pe o perioadă de trei ani având ca obiective: sensibilizarea opiniei publice cu privire la situaţia materială modestă a liceelor de coregrafie şi strângerea de fonduri pentru dotarea acestora şi crearea de condiţii de studiu superioare elevilor. Totodată, proiectul are în vedere promovarea dansului contemporan şi a tinerelor talente care studiază această artă în şcolile din România.   Între cele două spectacole anuale, Răzvan Mazilu şi Fundaţia PRAIS vor selecta cei mai talentaţi elevi ai liceului de coregrafie pe care îi vor angrena în acţiuni culturale, desfăşurate în campusuri universitare, licee, locaţii unde tinerii se vor putea apropia natural de energia dansului contemporan.  Prima ediţie a proiectului DANCE ENERGY a fost posibilă datorită implicării generoase a Operei Naţionale Bucureşti şi a sponsorilor: Prigat, Vodafone şi Volvo, care au decis să susţină această cauză. Evenimentul a beneficiat de sprijinul JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, Beta Impex, Mihaela Marin – foto, Bernard Ionescu şi Marina Macarie – grafică şi Toni Cojanu. Parteneri media: Evenimentul Zilei, The ONE, Radio Total, Time Out Bucureşti, VIP, şi 24 FUN.  Fundaţia PRAIS a fost înfiinţată în anul 2002 de către compania PRAIS Corporate Communications. Fundaţia susţine proiecte CSR educaţionale, de cultură şi de informare a publicului larg. Alături de DANCE ENERGY, printre proiectele sale anuale se numără Concursul Naţional de Jurnalism Comunitar „Nu eşti Singur” şi „Milioane de Oameni, Milioane de Copaci”, campanie naţională de voluntariat pentru protecţia mediului înconjurător.